Monday, June 17, 2024

Chris Wickland-- I just saw 45 mins of Hamas footage of October the 7th.

Please Please Share? 😈Don't Forget Oct 7th😈
I agree with wholeheartedly! It is beyond unconscionable for ANYBODY, ANYWHERE to make any excuse that, "Well, Israel had it coming" or, especially for the Church to remain Silent in the throes of these beastly acts. All these College Protesters, hell, they don't even know what "From the River to the Seas means!!" I am astonished at, first, the unmitigated gall of anyone who might try to Justify Hamas' behavior. But, these people who stand in support of those sick bastards, that of Hamas/Palestine, they're simply proving to me at least just how Low their I.Q.'s are! The substantiation that we're in The End Times, sits squarely in the depth of their depravity and is Proof-Positive that EVIL is beyond prevalent in todays New World Order. Have at it, people and I hope you choke-stumble on it!


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