Saturday, June 29, 2024

S4C-- "We are going home 2024" 👀End Times Happenings👀

Just Outta Share!!  ⛔ End Times Warning⛔
Two orders of business; #1. S4C had not been coming up in my Feed. This tells me that Satan really doesn't want us hearing this Spirit-filled Message. #2. If I'd ever heard Dr. Barry say some lame brain stuff that you don't need to Repent, it's an Act of Works, I'd have dropped him like a hot potato. Now, if you hear this, please let me know. The Truth is that I do learn a lot from Dr. Barry, but, it's a slippery slope when their eyes might be blind, even on one issue. I DO NOT agree with everything ANYBODY says and have learned if I don't see it with my own eyes, I will not believe it. Thus, we proceed with Caution and we Glean!!


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