Monday, January 1, 2024

@ShawnRyanClips- Hacker Explains 5 Simple Things To Protect Yourself From Cyber Attack ❤️ #shorts

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So, it is something to behold, just what this Fella, the one giving the Tips, yes, just exactly what he does. *Ryan Montgomery is the #1 Ethical Hacker Who Hunts Child Predators in the World. This guys Hunting Ground is often on the Deep Dark Web and he's getting those nasty Child Predators off the Streets across the Globe! I must say that Child Predation is my biggest baddest, well, it's my Achilles heel when it comes to Issues today, i.e., Human Sex Trafficking, especially when it comes to Children. If I could Hunt them down, myself, you can bet your bippy that I most assuredly would. Since it's unlikely that we'll be out amongst the Hackers, on these mean Streets; 

I beg YOU to Pray for these Children that they might rise above any incidence of Abuse and that our God might spare them the Torment and Pain as they endure whatever happens? This is the UGLIEST Subject I know of and it pains me terribly! Please Pray that Jesus, HIMSELF might hold their hand giving them Calm Assurance and may He tuck them under His Wing like a Hen does her Chicks? Pray that our Lord will Call Us Home sooner rather later, Amen!???

* (This ❤️ #shorts Video is from a full 2h48m  Episode where Shawn Ryan does the Interview!)  

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