Wednesday, January 31, 2024

☢️Just Crazy☢️New York Post- VIDEO: Police called on baby in diaper in Mississippi Walmart ☢️END TIME ALERT☢️

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      ⛔Graphic Warning
I'm Posting this as a horrid example of the Demonic Activity going on today. People have lost their minds, their sense, as well as any common decency. I look at the NY Post every day and I see what's cooking, boiling out there on those mean streets; a Stabbing here, a Rape there, and, every single day, the Stores are being hit-up enough that many are Closing permanently. (Whole Blocks in San Fran, it's like a Ghost Town as they've Closed the Restaurants, Stores & Shops due to high Crime, etc.!) Two NYPD Ofc,'s were Beaten by 8 Migrants and directly let out, NO BAIL!!  People shoved off the Subway Platform about 1 a week. And don't get me started on the shenanigans in the air as several times a day, Flights are Delayed or someone has a Meltdown and on and on!! Graphic Warnings are on just about everything, on any given day. The Nephilim are running amok, that's for certain!!


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