Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Michelle Hamilton- The Rabbi Who Found Messiah The Story of Yitzhak Kaduri

A Must Share!! 

 The Video is in reference to The Rabbi Who Found Messiah by Carl Gallups

As I watched OTHER Videos on this subject concerning Rabbi Yitzhak Kaduri, it hit me square in the face; What if the Rabbi who wrote the Acronym of the Messiah: Yehoshua (=Jesus) through his Final Message, what if he too had been fooled and they're all going to call the Antichrist, "Yehoshua?" I mean, after all the Antichrist is a Pseudo-Christ, basically what we call a "Wannabe." Yes, he'll ride a White Horse like the True Messiah, etc. just doing his level best to emulate Jesus Christ. It's NOT happening, but, the masses will be fooled for a hot minute!! But, we'll know the difference, unlike others who will serve a False Master. It's just something to chew on!!

Here's a good Site about Rabbi Yitzhak Kaduri and the Story behind all the hubbub that divided many a Jew exactly one Year after the Rabbi's Death;


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