Sunday, January 7, 2024

Matt Walsh- There's No Denying It Now. Aliens Have Officially Invaded.


I'd say, quite literally that Matt Walsh is a serious man doing a serious job. As cynical he may seem, but, I think he's making light of a very peculiar, bizarre moment in our, the Terminal Generations' History, hmm? I don't know about you, but, nothing surprises me anymore. Things get stranger and stranger, all the time to the point where you have to SCREAM at yourself, "Remember, we are in the End Times, it's no holds barred." In other words, every single day, the News I see, Video as well as Print is a constant barrage of people being pushed onto the Subway Tracks, Knifed, Raped, Robbed and best of all are the "Crash Mobs" the Folie à deux, which, simply put speaks to the Mob Mentality that is happening across the U.S., hell, it's happening across the World. Basically, again, I have to stop trying to make ANY sense of it. Thus, when we have 8 to 10 foot weird-looking Aliens at a Miami Mall, surrounded by the largest Police presence I've seen, in 65 years, well, it does NOT shock me!!


From The Daily Mail;

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