Tuesday, January 2, 2024

Jason A- 2023: STRANGE SOUNDS WORLDWIDE! 🚨Rapture Alert🚨

Need to Share!!

Quite actually, I find it easy enough to contemplate and possibly believe what many are saying across the board; They are gearing up their Sounds Cards and Systems as well as their Hologram Generators. But, why? We MUST remember that there exists a cloister of people, many "Higher Ups" who firmly believe that it's but a twinkling of an eye for their future to be brighter. In other words, when the Rapture happens, it sets off a chain of events that these Higher Ups believe starts THEIR 7 years to set up their god, the Antichrist or Pseudo-Christ. You know, "That Answer Guy" the one they think is the Great One. 
But, we all know he's no more than a blip on the Radar except for the FACT that he will lead a whole Parade of people right into Hell!! So, my long Story short; I do believe, absolutely that they're getting ready to explain away ALL of their Children, (Mothers will be hysterical!), Friends and Family just, POOF disappearing. And, how will they do this, you ask? Well, if you're not privy to the Holograms they're capable of these days, well, there's your answer!
I give you, but, one example of the 3D  large fire-breathing Wyvern flying around the Baseball park. Allow me to interject that this was done in 2018. I can guarantee that the Technological prowess has NOT been put on a true display. No, they're getting it all rearing and ready to go for the Big Event. And, when it happens, they will immediately sound out the Trumpets, across the World and they will then show the Antichrist in all his whoop de doo quality!!


SK Telecom Uses 5G AR to Bring Fire-Breathing Dragon to Baseball Park

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