Saturday, May 6, 2023

The 700 Club- The Man Who Was Healed in Unbelievable Ways: He Never Expected THIS to Happen!

Allow me to state that I DO NOT agree, completely with the Doctrines that 700 Club dispenses. However, these days, I am of the belief that one of the greatest Gifts we need to Pray for is Discernment as we're maneuvering through Minefields of Data filled with Lies and half-truths. Unfortunately, all too often there are Churches Teaching the Doctrines of Demons as they know that most of us are Hungry for The Word. As I stated before, be careful what you listen to whether it's a major Channel such as the likes of the 700 Club on CBN, the Jim Bakker Show or even those on YouTube, like Perry Stone, you must be careful what you adhere to or allow into or around YOUR spirit!! There's so much at stake here, but, every now and then, we hear of Great Miracles, still witnessed today. Our God is alive and well and I cannot wait to Worship at His Feet!!!


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