Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Sling and Stone- Has the Antichrist Been Revealed to the World?? King Charles 2023

Personally, I do not believe Charles is the Antichrist or Pseudo-Christ as he has displayed his love for Camilla, all his Adult life. He actually had fought to marry her just for starters. And, I feel this is a big deal, this Homosexual aspect as "they've" made sure to normalize the behavior throughout Society. Of course, this is in complete homage to the Luciferian Agenda and their alliance with, to and for the Prince of the Air who will show NO natural affection towards women! Secondly, Charles does give us a large clue when he states in his speech that "he has Trillions at 'HIS' disposal," and unless he is speaking in third person which is not his habit, he is speaking of someone with Great Power and Authority! NO, I don't believe it is him but, he bows to Hey, whatever trips your trigger because EVERY knee shall bow when our King enters the Ring!

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