Wednesday, May 3, 2023

HeliofantChannel- I, Pet Goat II

If you're not privy to "I, Pet Goat II," you really should be. Originating on the very morning the Twin Towers were felled, it is based around  the Children's Book they were reading as President Bush sat, with the Elementary School Class pretending there was nothing untoward happening. Yes, that was a mouth-full and yet, this Video which came out in 2012, is one of THE most Prophetic assimilations most have seen. And, Prophesy is coming to fruition and gaining ground at break-neck speed, is it not? 

In the 10+ years since its inception and release, I, Pet Goat II has been tinkered with, reverse engineered, taken, split and blown apart for all to see and, for the most part, we've watched in complete horror as one thing shown after another has come true, depicted in this mini movie. On any given day, you could watch this Video and you'll see something new or a different interpretation every single time. Nonetheless, again, it is ALL coming true...just as we'd expect!

So, Kids, expect the unexpected in the next couple of days as conveniently, all of our major Players are out of the Country for King Charles III to be Crowned on May 6th. Somehow the thought of that Crowning has always sat strangely with me? Then, of course, Obama is in Berlin (at the Seat of Satan/Pergamum!) at the Mercedes Benz Theatre for some function and Trump, I know will be going to the Coronation. This is an excellent time for some very nefarious Cards to be dealt, here in America. And, I pray everyone knows whom we Pledge our Loyalty to; Our Lord Jesus Christ and no other!!


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