Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Sling and Stone- Has the Antichrist Been Revealed to the World?? King Charles 2023

Personally, I do not believe Charles is the Antichrist or Pseudo-Christ as he has displayed his love for Camilla, all his Adult life. He actually had fought to marry her just for starters. And, I feel this is a big deal, this Homosexual aspect as "they've" made sure to normalize the behavior throughout Society. Of course, this is in complete homage to the Luciferian Agenda and their alliance with, to and for the Prince of the Air who will show NO natural affection towards women! Secondly, Charles does give us a large clue when he states in his speech that "he has Trillions at 'HIS' disposal," and unless he is speaking in third person which is not his habit, he is speaking of someone with Great Power and Authority! NO, I don't believe it is him but, he bows to Hey, whatever trips your trigger because EVERY knee shall bow when our King enters the Ring!

Feed Your Faith- Expedition Bible- PENIEL: Where Jacob saw the Face of God and lived!

I feel it important to, if nothing else, "Prove" to yourself, the Bible, the Stories and most of all to tell the Story of Jesus! So, by searching out the Biblical narrative and doing our level best to put this Great Puzzle together, we Feed our Faith nourishing the spirit!!


Saturday, May 27, 2023

God A Minute?- New Thoughts On These Appointed Times Rapture Could Be Soon! ⬆️

Very Very Interesting!!


The11:11Sign- Behold! I Tell You a Mystery

Very Interesting. And, by the way, I happen to completely comprehend his "Feeling Like A Dumbass!" It is partly my fault because all too often, I get wrapped up and have been sure, "The Rapture is sure to happen this Weekend!" And yet, I truly have put my Eggs in the basket of May 28th, a perfect Rapture Date. It's Pentecost, the 50th Day and a lovely possibility!!


Friday, May 26, 2023

TyGreen- Make Sure You Do This One Thing Before It All Goes Down

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Feed Your Faith- Expedition Bible- Archaeological Evidence for Giants in the Bible?

 In an effort to build up the Biblical narrative, basically to build and Feed my own Faith, I look for Proof, actual evidence proving the Stories of the Bible. Although Secular=known Airhead men do not believe and they do their level best to explain away the obvious...or at least to "The Believer" the True Story matter!

Feed Your Faith

Feed Your Faith- Expedition Bible- Sulfur Balls of Sodom and Gomorrah

 All of us have had a "Doubting Thomas" moment or few, whereby we are positively served by searching out FACTUAL FINDINGS concerning the Biblical narrative. Thus, I serve up a slice of Truth, that of Sodom & Gomorrah! Enjoy and... 

Feed Your Faith!!

S4C- Next Stop Tribulation

They had to do the Videos in Two Parts... Still Good Stuff!!


Saturday, May 6, 2023

S4C- "Welcome To The 6th Day"

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The 700 Club- The Man Who Was Healed in Unbelievable Ways: He Never Expected THIS to Happen!

Allow me to state that I DO NOT agree, completely with the Doctrines that 700 Club dispenses. However, these days, I am of the belief that one of the greatest Gifts we need to Pray for is Discernment as we're maneuvering through Minefields of Data filled with Lies and half-truths. Unfortunately, all too often there are Churches Teaching the Doctrines of Demons as they know that most of us are Hungry for The Word. As I stated before, be careful what you listen to whether it's a major Channel such as the likes of the 700 Club on CBN, the Jim Bakker Show or even those on YouTube, like Perry Stone, you must be careful what you adhere to or allow into or around YOUR spirit!! There's so much at stake here, but, every now and then, we hear of Great Miracles, still witnessed today. Our God is alive and well and I cannot wait to Worship at His Feet!!!


God's Roadmap to the End- Shocking Predictive Programming Revelation: What's Coming on May 15th?!

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This!! The Pot is simmering and, I believe is about to Boil. Thank You, Jesus!!


Thursday, May 4, 2023

RMBC HEBREWCLUB- #190: Pt2 "He Led Captivity Captive"

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S4C- "Behold The Lamb Of God"

Please Share!! 2 Minutes Ago: Tucker Carlson Shared Terrifying Message (Video) Nicole Morgan (Investigative Reporter)

I DO NOT want to be part of this World any longer, nonetheless, the Truth shall set you Free...or get you Cancelled!

Wednesday, May 3, 2023

Sling and Stone- DEMON Filmed During Flooding?? Demon Brazil Carnival 2023

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Janie DuVall- 26 Major Signs King Charles is THE ANTICHRIST

I don't always agree with everybody but, hey, I do believe this is why we Pray for the Gift of Discernment. Inevitably, having Discernment, along with the Study of The Word, it allows us a well-rounded Educated Opinion as well as the ability to decipher and pick through the parchment per se. But, I do very well feel that this Fella had many good premises. What say you?


HeliofantChannel- I, Pet Goat II

If you're not privy to "I, Pet Goat II," you really should be. Originating on the very morning the Twin Towers were felled, it is based around  the Children's Book they were reading as President Bush sat, with the Elementary School Class pretending there was nothing untoward happening. Yes, that was a mouth-full and yet, this Video which came out in 2012, is one of THE most Prophetic assimilations most have seen. And, Prophesy is coming to fruition and gaining ground at break-neck speed, is it not? 

In the 10+ years since its inception and release, I, Pet Goat II has been tinkered with, reverse engineered, taken, split and blown apart for all to see and, for the most part, we've watched in complete horror as one thing shown after another has come true, depicted in this mini movie. On any given day, you could watch this Video and you'll see something new or a different interpretation every single time. Nonetheless, again, it is ALL coming true...just as we'd expect!

So, Kids, expect the unexpected in the next couple of days as conveniently, all of our major Players are out of the Country for King Charles III to be Crowned on May 6th. Somehow the thought of that Crowning has always sat strangely with me? Then, of course, Obama is in Berlin (at the Seat of Satan/Pergamum!) at the Mercedes Benz Theatre for some function and Trump, I know will be going to the Coronation. This is an excellent time for some very nefarious Cards to be dealt, here in America. And, I pray everyone knows whom we Pledge our Loyalty to; Our Lord Jesus Christ and no other!!