Monday, January 23, 2023

Laughaholics Only- "Grandma Lula's Great Adventure"

Seek the Lord with all your heart and soul. Then, seek laughter, at least once a day. Doctors Order!!
My Grandma from Buckingham, Va., which was a very Rural, Southern neck of the Woods, (back in the early 1900s), she and her little Sister, Hattie, decided to drive to D.C., an exhilarating first time trip for both. As they're tooling around the "Big City," as she called it, they were suddenly chased by the Metropolitan Police Department on Horseback. Completely startled, the Officer, who was polite and professional asked them if they knew why they were being stopped? "Well, Sir, certainly not," she stated in her Southern drawl. "Well Ma'am, you're going the wrong way on a One-Way Street," he tried to explain. Grandma then, cordially, sincerely and innocently answered, "Well, Officer, we were only going One-Way! He shook his head and advised them to turn around. These darn Country Folk, right, lol?

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