Sunday, February 5, 2023

Off The Kirb Ministries- Saudi Arabia Just Announced a Terrifying New Discovery

It is YOUR JOB to keep The OIL in your Lamp lit, at all times. Meaning; It is a Commandment for us to live out our Faith, run the Good Race and to keep our Light burning brightly so that our Lord, Jesus Christ might see us...our Bridegroom, very soon cometh! As for me, I have and will continue to feed my Faith with cold, hard factual proof of the existence of God as well as ALL the Stories in the Bible, and that they happened as it is written. I will immerse myself in the FACT that all of it, from Genesis to Revelation, it all tells the Story of God the Father=Jesus/Yeshua=the Holy Spirit= Three=One!! Proof!!!    FEED YOUR FAITH!!!


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