Saturday, February 25, 2023

Brylan Riggs- WHAT happened to Kirk Cameron? | The downfall of Christian Morality...

If people cannot see that we're in the Terminal Generation and that the Decline of Mankind is quickening more so every single day, well, I'm afraid you may be blind. I look at several News outlets, both Right and Left Wing (Keep your Enemy's closer) and I can emphatically say that I have a fairly well balanced educated opinion concerning the ebb and flow of this World, at least in the U.S. And, without missing a beat, I can wholeheartedly expound that life as we "knew it" is long gone, the Satanists and Evil Tweakers have the run of the Mill. Yes, the Inmates are running the Prison, the Patients are meting out the Meds at the Asylum! The only Good thing is that it reiterates that our Blessed hope's just around the bend!!

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