Sunday, April 24, 2022

S4C- "Ready To Fly" Sunday April 24th 2022, P

The earliest Pinkerton Detectives were taught to study the Dollar, itself and not the Counterfeit Bill for a reason; they felt that it was more important that men be experts in very aspect of the real Bill as opposed to the spotting the fakes. Subsequently, we too cannot spot the FAKE unless we know precept upon precept,, line upon line and every jot and tittle. In other words; Don't become a Believer on the back of some joker feeding you a bunch of gunk. You are responsible for your own Salvation and you can forget thinking you'll get to Heaven and blame Pastor Joey Schmuckmuck for your religion! Please be careful what you listen to, especially online as it is beyond easy to fool you if you don't "Study to show thyself approved" 2nd Timothy 2:15

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