Monday, June 21, 2021

Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson BREAKS INTERNET With Fiery Speech Slamming Biden,...

Allow me to point out the real deal, the Truth as we stand at the precipice of the Great ain't seen nothin' yet! In other words, according to the Bible, the Word, America or better known in the Bible as "Mystery Babylon, she, the Harlot has allowed the Snake/Satan into her aboad. She has let those "Jellybacked" nefarious individuals, free reign in her home and it's too late. Becqause, by allowing this sore to fester, upon the backs of Americans, by YOUR maintaining your head in the sand and not caring, it is too late; America is about to fall. YOU wanted Abortion, Dirt, Nudity,and, it appears to the naked eye, that you want Violence, Burning, Looting in YOUR Neighborhoods? YOU Elected these Officials, if nothing else because of your own negligance and give-a-shit attitude, to run your Country. And now, YOU must suffer the consequence of your lack of action...unless...YOU Call on Jesus. Time is Up and The Lord, your God has had enough of your silly Games. He WILL remove His people, The Church so they do not suffer the worst time know to mankind that is about to befall America as well as the rest of the World.Game Over! Seriously, since YOU were busy worrying about what you were gonna watch on Netflix or who you're gonna sleep with on any given Friday Night, some of us have been *studying the Good Book. The Story, for YOU if you choose NOT to heed the WARNING, is, well, for Satan to have his way with you for the next 7 yrs, 6 mon. OR, you will be, finally, beheaded at True Believers disappeared, Raptured, kept from the Hour of Temptation. Call on Jesus NOW or endure the Fire!!

Thursday, June 17, 2021

RAPTURE JUNE 25th🤯 Proof revealed that our Lord does want His Faithful a...

There are two dates which ring true or rather; Between 6/20 and 6/26, I'm betting on Rapture. But, the Summer Solstice is on Father's Day, 6/20 and that is significant. Jesus eluded that the Rapture/Natzal/Harpazo would happen when "Summer is nigh," and it doesn't get any more nigh than the Summer Solstice. Time's Up, Call on Jesus now because the worst time Humanity has ever faced is coming. But, by accepting Jesus you will escape the "Hour of Temptation!"

I, Pet Goat II Prediction Rapture in June

Please hear me-It is my FIRM Belief that the Rapture, is about to happen, most likely within the next 3 to 7 days. Time is up! Better Call on Jesus or be Left Behind!

Monday, June 14, 2021

6th Day Adam vs 8th Day Adam

Yes it's #CrunchTime and we're down to the wire. Rapture is the next Prophesy, about to come to fruition. Time is up! Better Call on Jesus!

Thursday, June 10, 2021

The Rapture Window Is Closing

Personally, I strongly believe that #TheRapture just might happen on Pentecost, this June20th-21st. Now, YOU can continue thinking all will be well, all will go back as it was or that Trump is gonna save the day. But, Trump signed the EO for the Noahide Laws, just as HW Bush had. (NWO & 1000 Points of Light) In those Laws and Bi-Laws, some 600+ deep, it plainly tells how it is an Executable Offense, as Idol worship to Worship Jesus. And, Trump had to have known it right along with, he also knew that there were/are MAJOR problems with the Inoculation, right? The ONLY ONE you can count on is #Jesus and you'd better call on Him now! Time's Up!

Mom Goes Nuclear On School Board Over Critical Race Theory