Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Rapture Now? Crying Wolf or Not???

Many, have never really heard of The Rapture or were not taught it in Church. This is SHAMEFUL! And The Rapture is one of the most mistaught subjects in the Bible. Many will say, "C'mon, the word 'Rapture' isn't even in the Bible," to which you'd have to shake your head, in agreement. But...

The Bible, and by the way, did you know that the very word, "Bible" is not mentioned once, IN THE BIBLE? Truth can be stranger than Fiction. The point is that the Bible has been translated, mostly into Latin, first and then English from the original Hebrew, Greek and sometimes Aramaic. Meaning, the Rapture, just in an example, is from the Latin Vulgate word used, that of "Rapturo," The Greek word, for Rapture, is Harpazo. So, how did we get THAT word.--->  Rapture? Well, it comes from their translation, in Latin concerning Rapturo and that is also where we get the word, "Raptor," as in the Bird of Prey. And what, Friends, Brothers & Sisters, what does a Bird of Prey do? It snatches, grabs or catches it's prey, just as it states Biblically!

So, long long story short, the Bible, in place after place, spot after spot, verse after verse speaks of those that Believe, on the Power & Blood of Christ shall be "caught up," or maybe it says, "snatched," but it infers Rapture, in the context of the surrounding verses.

What I am trying to express is the need to know that We Are in The Last Days and I believe the Last Minutes till the Rapture. All Prophesy has been set into motion...

                       NO MORE CRYING WOLF! NOW WE'RE HOWLING!!

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