Monday, June 26, 2023

Sling and Stone- Terrible NEW LAW Targets Christians 2023 | This is Terrifying

"Just as in the Days of Noah," has never been realized, well at least in this Terminal Generation. I pick my brain wondering WHY all this impiousness is promulgated upon us all. The only thing that comes to mind, first is, when speaking of the Antichrist, it states that "he will have NO real affection for women" and they're trying to standardize the behavior through Normalcy-Biases. But, we're not buying what they're selling!!


Wednesday, June 21, 2023


Most assuredly, something is coming, I feel it in my old broken, tired Bones. I Pray it's The Rapture, above all, but, if not, I Pray that Jesus holds our hands and walks us through it all till it is the Appointed Time and He does call us Home via The Rapture/Harpazo. In case you're not privy to what's what, I actually have no life, thus, all I do is Study and watch the World teeter on the brink. And, I have to wonder/ponder and such, why is it that in May, 2023, about 60,000 pounds of a chemical used as both a fertilizer and an explosive was Stolen after likely disappearing during a rail trip from Wyoming to California last month, according to federal records. 

Yes,60,000lbs goes  POOF 💨 and nobody questions this? Personally, I have my druthers, these thoughts rollin' round in this Conspiracy Theorists head of mine. And, call it what you will, but, when our own Gov't allows our Borders to be overrun, don't you ask why? I know I do, and, I believe that the Holy Spirit has definitively downloaded the answer into this simple mind of mine; Human Trafficking/Slave Labor! When The Rapture happens, who else will do the menial Labor at the crack of a Whip besides all these people allowed to Enter. Do YOU see what is happening?

I must also mention all of the Enlistment Age Men that have also been acquired. I saw an entire Bus full of young, fighting age Men, just Men, time after time. Especially disconcerting are the Bus Loads of Chinese Nationals I watched get off a Bus in D.C., while other Busses shipped out were young Middle Eastern mixed. Very little is said about this and I can't be the only idiot out here wondering, am I? Have you ever heard the term, "Sleeper Cells?" Remember all that 60,000 pounds of ammonium nitrate, a chemical used as a fertilizer and in explosives I mentioned a bit ago? I think I know where it went and I think y'all had better be ready for what these Bozo's are about to kick-off!

The vast majority of Children, especially Babies that have often times been thrust over the Border, have also simply vanished as quickly as they came across our Borders. It's EXTREMELY UGLY, but, these nasty Nephilim/Satanic/Luciferians just LOVE LOVE LOVE little Babies. Anything/Anywhere that your mind could nefariously go, it will explain what they're doing to these little ones and have been for years. From the making of Adrenochrome to Organ Harvesting, from Satanic Sacrifice to Sexual Sadism, these, well, we'll call them "People," are carrying on all of this and we need to Pray DAILY, as often as possible that our God takes them out of the equation so that they'll not feel a thing. Jesus is more than capable of this. Pray for the lil ones!


Friday, June 16, 2023

Keith Green- Easter Song

Keith Green released “Easter Song” on May 20, 1977.On 7/17/77, I was in the most devastating Car Accident. Just one diddy; It Fractured my Elbow in more than a half-dozen pieces and they used 5 Screws to attempt to put it back together. It changed my World, and, that although it was debilitatingly horrendous, somehow I just know that The Lord was involved with this date. Yet, all along, Jesus, my Sweet Jesus held my hand!  Anyhow, I realize now that for 46 years, Jesus and I have walked together whilst listening to this Song!


Saturday, June 3, 2023

Feed Your Faith- Steven's Journey- What JUST Happened With The Red Sea TERRIFIES Scientists!

Again, this is another installment of; Feed Your Faith. Listen, we've all had a "Doubting Thomas" moment in our lives, even if only for a singular moment. As for myself, I have come to a point where I just love to prove the Bible true and because I do have such a strong Faith these days, I want everybody else to never question the validity of the Greatest Book ever written!