Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Ken Peters - I Saw The Tribulation (Cleaned Up Audio & Video)

Pastor Ken Peters has gone on to be with the Lord and will be meeting us as we get off Rapture Airlines Flight 888! Tell you what, Ken Peters gave this particular Testimony at Prophesy Watchers, back in the 80s and his Dream was long before this as well as he wasn't even a Believer when he had this Vision/Dream. But, if you have this at heart as you watch the Video, your mind with be blown away because he gets the Great Tribulation down pat. Thus far, I have yet to have heard/seen a more compelling Testimony/Vision/Dream. Sincerely, if you've not see this, prepare to be rocked!!


Saturday, December 17, 2022

Sling & Stone- This "PROPHET" Acts EXACTLY Like The Antichrist | Yuval Noah Harari

Does this guy not even see what a Contradiction he is? I mean, he mentions, "to upgrade Human into God." This'll stand to prove how truly STUPID these people are because he then goes on to speak about the Bible, the Book of Genesis and God, our God, The One True God and how He created Animals, etc. He's a walking Contradiction masquerading as this brilliant genius! For some, there is that long good-bye. But, for this piece of work, well POOF, he's going to go up in smoke like a lil' tinderbox! By the way, you were just given the first installment of the Truth from this Joker. I've been saying for some time that they'll use the 'Rona Inoculation to strategically place Graphene Oxide within your system along with a myriad of Chemical Properties whereby when they decide to turn up the 5-6G on a person, they'll be able to drop 'em like it's hot. They're installing Fluorescent Lights across the World because when you've had this "installment" you'll glow under their Lights and for Security purposes, they'll be able to tell who's who, if they should be on the Streets or not as well as a complex list of things to come!


Wednesday, December 7, 2022

God A Minute?- Exclusive Rapture Squats Lessons By D.J Melvin 😀

 So, I've been working out for a bit now (Semi-Pro) and I actually think we're getting somewhere. No more stops at D.Q. and we'll be fit for Rapture. (Expert Tip; Hold that Sway/Squat for a second longer and the Squats, well, I personally feel the burn afterwards.) Just exhilarating. Stupendous!!

Thursday, December 1, 2022

RockIslandBooks- The Rapture According to Jesus (Whiteboard Animation)


S4C- "2020 Not A Warning, A Demonstration" Sunday 11/27/22


Glenn Beck- Was Glenn’s dream actually a VISION for our future?

 I may have watched Glenn Beck, possibly once a week? I do know he's skirted around the edge of  or held a balanced  identity  as far as a Politico persona he portrays. But, well, this kind of took me by surprise. Now, I believe I know who the uniformed men were behind him in his Dream as it's been given up via Ken Peters (RIP) and his profound Dream. He saw "Blue Helmets" in his Vision which is what NATO wears. And, I have yet to see or hear of a Dream/Vision so clear and decisive as Ken's whereby he speaks of things, in the 80s that have yet to have been invented. You be the judge!!