Thursday, September 15, 2022

S4C- "Mystery Of The Rapture Made Known " 9/7/22 Midweek Study


Behold Israel with Amir Tsarfati- Breaking News: Global unrest in an unprecedented scale is expected

 If you are not familiar with Amir Tsarfati, I can tell you that not so long ago, Amir was in the IDF, possibly an Intelligence Officer. I say this because I have been watching Amir's Channel for many years and he's always got updated Intel concerning the pulse of Israel. Although Amir Tsarfati Travels extensively, across the World, he resides in Israel!

Thursday, September 1, 2022

Dr. Barry Awe- RAPTURE at Trumpets or Atonement? Maybe...NOT😲

It occurred to me that the great Revelation 12 Sign occurred exactly 5 years ago and will be ending here in a hot minute. As well, the #5 represents Grace and, allow me to remind all that the very instance, in the twinkling of HIS eye when the Church is Raptured, Grace will no longer reside upon the Earth. Please Lord, find us worthy?