Saturday, August 28, 2021

Sunday, August 22, 2021

The Starfish Story

One day a man was walking along the beach when he noticed a boy picking something up and gently throwing it into the ocean. Approaching the boy, he asked, “What are you doing?” The youth replied, “Throwing starfish back into the ocean. The surf is up and the tide is going out. If I don’t throw them back, they’ll die.” “Son,” the man said, “don’t you realize there are miles and miles of beach and hundreds of starfish? You can’t make a difference!” After listening politely, the boy bent down, picked up another starfish, and threw it back into the surf. Then, smiling at the man, he said…” I made a difference for that one.”
Original Story by: Loren Eisley

The Pot is Steadily Boiling; Commentary on The Last Days Channel by Keegan Fernandes

I found this Commentary from an astute Brother, Keegan Fernandes and never ever could I have written it so well. The Comment was on (from The Last Days Channel); OUR DEPARTURE IS AT HAND : NORMAL ISN'T COMING BACK...JESUS IS! The Bible is fulfilling itself. What a time to be alive! It predicts perilous times (2 Timothy 3); a Romans 1 society, characterized by depravity. Evil and violence abound together and will only escalate. The "birth pangs" will continue to intensify anf accelerate as we are seeing floods, fires, droughts, and hurricanes engulf the world. Creation is groaning! The the Bible says these things must happen. God is warning because He always warns before He judges and the world is facing judgment. It is being judged now but far worse is coming during the Tribulation. This is just a warm-up! God is allowing some pre-tribulation birth pains on the entire world but what we see happening today is minor compared to what is coming. The Church will be absent during that Tribulation time, so in the meantime, may we have a greater burden to save people from the wrath to come. The consequences for a world that rejects Jesus Christ are unthinkable. Lastly, I believe there is chaos on earth because Satan knows his time is short and he has ramped up his activity. He is getting new recruits for his kingdom. This is all the more reason we must be salt and light in these final days. With God marginalized and mocked, society today mirror the days of Noah, Sodom and Gomorrah! This already fractured world will completely collapse under the weight of the tribulation period. The closing days of the Church Age are a challenge for all mankind. For the Godless, these days cannot make sense. For those who know the Bible, it has the road map ahead all spelled out for us! HAVE WE REACHED A BOILING POINT?! Todd Hampson "Enter 2020. The events of 2020 including the Covid-19 man-made (excuse me, I mean “gain-of-function”) virus was released—as was lawlessness, violence, deception, deep political corruption, and other moral evils on a broader scale than we had ever seen or been made aware of. And this time, these signs were happening globally! It was as if we entered a “medium-boil” phase. Whereas those of us paying attention to signs that lined up with end-time conditions used to be able to identify just about every significant prophetic stage-setting event fairly easily, now I literally cannot keep up! I liken it to battlefield tactics. As long as it is possible, a soldier on the field carefully notes each detail that will help him understand the coming battle. The more intel the better. But once the battle begins to get thick, the soldier’s attention has to turn to more pressing matters. The soldier must decide on what is priority in order to complete the mission. This necessarily means the soldier must decide what to focus on, even though he knows there are more key details he could assess at any given moment. The pot is beginning to boil and I can’t keep track of all of the bubbles! Here are a few noteworthy details that have come to light the past few weeks that I have looked into on a cursory level, but haven’t had time to research fully. The recent list includes: record-breaking wildfires, heat waves, flooding, mass animal deaths, droughts, famine, and major riots (in South Africa and Cuba to name two). Meanwhile inflation is occurring, the workforce in America can’t keep up with the demand because people are being paid to stay home. People who have been fully vaccinated are still being infected with the Cover-19 virus. A video shows a school function where a woman is saying those opposed to critical race theory should die—and the crowd applauses. The San Fransisco Gay Men’s Choir put out a creepy music video informing anyone who believes in traditional marriage that they are “coming for your children.” A Brazilian taboo artist turns himself into a demonic looking ORC (from the Lord of the Rings Series) by tattooing his eye balls, removing his nose and implanting horns. More shows celebrating witchcraft and the occult are launching in the fall. So many in the world are ready to welcome and embrace all things demonic and evil. But wait, there’s more…A company in Ireland is looking to fund the creation of a colossal moving, speaking statue known as “The Giant” in 21 cities by the end of the year. There have been 321 mass shootings already in 2021 leaving 352 people dead and 1,331 injured. The “vaccines” have caused the death of thousands (according to official/verifiable records) and various whistleblowers are claiming these numbers are much lower than the reality. Russia and China are flexing their military muscles regularly. Iran is close to having nuclear weapon capability at the same time Israel is facing major internal challenges. Macron (surely having consulted with other European leaders who will follow suit) announced a “vaccine pass” to be implemented in order to take part in normal activities. On top of all of this, apostasy in the church is growing steadily through “wokeness,” teachings by people claiming to be apostles (which is a Scriptural impossibility since they did not witness the events of Christ’s ministry in the first century [See Acts 1:21-22, and Ephesians 2:20]), and other mind-bending heresies that gut the truth of Scripture and the fundamentals of the true Christian faith. I could go on and on. This is just the tip of the iceberg! Ten years ago globalism was a conspiracy theory, the conditions needed for the Ezekiel 38 war seemed impossible, technology had not yet reached the mark-of-the-beast level, and America was sick but still fighting. In 2021 all of that has changed. We are trending toward a rapid boil and could be there at any moment. Liquids boil at different temperatures depending on the molecular structure of the liquid and the amount of air pressure (due to altitude) that is pressing down on the liquid. The air pressure restrains the boil until such a time when the pressure of the boil is greater than the air pressure restraining it. The Lord could cause the heat to be turned down and the water could cool a bit, but it doesn’t seem that is the case and I don’t read anything like that in Scripture. Jesus said he would come quickly (Greek word tacos, which means rapidly/when things are revved up), and end-time birth pains (whether Braxton Hicks or the real thing) won’t stop once they have begun. We are heading full speed into everything the Bible prophesies about the future tribulation period—and our generation is seeing it all unfold! By the way, if you are taking note of end-time signs and conditions you are in good company. The Old Testament prophets and even the angels have longed to understand the timeframe we are currently in. In 1 Peter 1:10-12 we read, “Concerning this salvation, the prophets, who spoke of the grace that was to come to you, searched intently and with the greatest care, trying to find out the time and circumstances to which the Spirit of Christ in them was pointing when he predicted the sufferings of the Messiah (1st coming) and the glories that would follow (2nd coming/Millennial Kingdom). It was revealed to them that they were not serving themselves but you, when they spoke of the things that have now been told you by those who have preached the gospel to you by the Holy Spirit sent from heaven. Even angels long to look into these things” Notice the key details I highlighted in the verses above. The prophets longed to understand the “time and circumstances” related to the 1st and 2nd coming! In the midst of the struggle to live in our day we need to remember how blessed we are to see these things! Thankfully God’s people will be removed (via the rapture) prior to God’s judgment of the world (as has been the clear pattern of his activity in times past and his stated intentions at the end of the age), but that doesn’t mean we won’t live in dangerous times prior to the rapture. In fact, 2 Timothy 3:1-5 tells us as much. We are not left uninformed. My friends, it seems the air pressure is about to be lifted and the rapid boil is soon to begin. When the restraining influence of the Holy Spirit indwelled Church is removed via the rapture—the preserving pressure of the salt and light will allow the world to move immediately into a rapid boil. I dare not set dates or even years, but unless the Lord intervenes in a major way (and He could, he’s done it before), it seems to me that we are nearing the time of the rapture. I know several generations of believers in different eras of church history have thought the same, but never in the history of the world have there been so many signs and conditions in place as they are right now. We have a front row seat to prophecy and end-time conditions. If you are reading this article and have never accepted the gift of salvation offered and paid for by Jesus Christ—please do so now! Noah seemed crazy until the rain started. But soon, the world was covered by violent water like a massive boiling pot. Please don’t ignore the conditions that are screaming at us that the Lord is real, that time is short, that judgment is coming, and that Jesus paid it all. It doesn’t matter what your past is, or how hard you have run from God. Today is the day of salvation. Jesus paid it all. Please come to him now! You too can have hope, clarity, and joy in the midst of these increasingly disruptive world conditions. He promises to never leave us." NORMAL ISN’T COMING BACK, JESUS IS!: We are on the cusp on the rapture! God bless Bro Keegan Watchman in the wilderness

Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Afghanistan: 2 Men Fall To Death Mid-air From Plane Taking Off From Kabul...

Most do not realize the severity of these actions, the times we are now living in. This is one of the many "Set-Ups" to the Great Tribulation whereby the Jihadi/Muslim/Islamic take-over is evident. The Pot is beginning to Boil and you can bet, with the taking of Afghanistan, this will only Fuel the Fire of their zealot ideals. This will nothing but make them believe they are unstoppable. And, the fact that America just bowed out, bowing down to the Islamic Terrorists only cinches it all up in a nice cozy bag of BS. I mean, my goodness, it is so scary for these people, which have been "Tarred" and paraded through the Streets, if not Executed pronto, the woman Raped, Beaten and made to wear the full Burkas, it is all unconchable. The idea that the U.S. C-130s ushering many out of Afghanistan had many Men hanging on to the sides of the Plane and then falling to their Deaths is beyond the Pale. I don't know, is it worse to have the knowledge that U.S. Pilots are reporting that they found "Body Parts" in the Landing Gear?

The False Prophet Speaks - The Beast is About to Arrive.

"We've lost contact". Please Pray for the Church in Afghanistan.

May the God of Abraham, Issac and Jacob hear the cries of His Church and deliver them as only He can do. In the Name of Jesus, we pray! Amen!

Friday, August 13, 2021

RMBC HEBREWCLUB #112: Pt2 "Jonah & The End Of Days"

Matt Walsh- Father of 4; Children Mandated to Wear Masks


"They know we aren’t going to cooperate with lockdowns and masking again if they push the same narrative. That’s why they’re pretending that kids are dying left and right from the virus. It’s the one thing that will make even rational people panic. What a vile tactic. But effective."
Matt Walsh

From; 100% Fed Up 

 You Can Find Mr. Walsh at; The Matt Walsh Blog

Thursday, August 12, 2021

S4C- Jonah And The End Of The Days

Shoot, I gotta go find the Shop Vacc to clean up this mess. My mind's blown, once again, lol!